Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God, Life and Death

Humanity and Death would be a title that leads to many highly intensive and significant scientific, philosophical and religious subjects on truly global scale.

Looking at the past of humanity we have, for example, the Archaeology of death, Anthropology of death, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophies of death, the belief systems of hunter-gatherer SAN people in the Kalahari desert about death, the incessant battle of the fabulously powerful Pharaoh in his court in Memphis trying to take it all with him.

There are even more involved in studies of modern medical, psychological, sociological, cultural, philosophical, religious approaches to death in modern societies. We humans are, indeed, dealing earnestly with death. It concerns us all and makes us both curious and desperate as we all know that one day sooner or later each one of us will die.

God and Death is, of course, much bigger subject than Humanity and Death. But instead of opening almost unlimited fields for discussion it focuses on the ONE, the God of Israel and death. 

From the huge subject I concentrate on two subjects in the realm of science and religion

  • Creation and death or Death in Nature 
  • God of Israel and death or Death in the Bible
God, the Creator of life has interwoven death as an integral part to His work starting already from simplest food chains on bacterial level to the complex genetic events in the natural selection in the fight for survival. Mass extinctions of life on planet Earth seem also to be a regular occurrence and part of what we have learned about the history of life in nature.

In the Bible we meet a very rich message about death. There we are been told by God Himself how He personally battles death as the last enemy of humanity. It is a message of crucial importance to the entire humanity and far from dry theory as it decides our own eternity.

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